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7 Tips for Summer Riding Your Mountain Bike: Hot Weather Riding Tips

The summer months can be a tricky time to ride your mountain bike. The heat and humidity can make it difficult to stay hydrated, and the increased traffic and exertion can make the already strenuous workout feel like an endurance test.

Thankfully, there are a few tricks you can use to make your summer ride not only more enjoyable but also more sustainable as well. Here are some tips for riding your mountain bike during the summer months.

Mountain biking in summer hot weather
Photo 1: Mountain biking in summer hot weather

1. Stay hydrated

One of the most important things you can do to stay safe and healthy while riding your mountain bike during the summer months is to stay hydrated. Instead of gulping down water at every stop, try a hydration system that allows you to drink whenever you’re thirsty.

Plus, carrying a bag of water on your bike will help you stay on track with your hydration goals. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75 ounces of water per day. You can track your intake using an app or by writing down what you’ve drunk.

If you exercise in the heat, you’re more likely to become dehydrated. The Mayo Clinic recommends that people who exercise in temperatures above 80 degrees drink an extra 16–24 ounces of water every hour to stay hydrated. So, if it’s 90 degrees outside, you should aim to drink an extra 32–48 ounces of water per hour.

2. Take it easy and ride light

One of the best ways to stay comfortable and safe during the summer is to take it easy when you can. Before you leave for the day, try to bike with the least amount of gear possible. If you’re lucky enough to have a friend who has a stationary bike, ask if you can borrow it for the day.

You can also opt for a ride that has a lower elevation gain or loss than your usual route. This will allow you to put less stress on your body and also stay cooler. Also, try to cycle at a more moderate pace, and don’t forget to exhale as you’re slowing down to avoid pushing extra air into your lungs.

How to MTB in Hot Weather

3. Stay away from the hottest part of the day

We all love those sizzling summer afternoons on the trail, but they’re actually one of the worst times to ride your mountain bike. Extremely high temperatures can increase the amount of energy required to ride and make the bike more challenging.

Additionally, it can be harder to stay hydrated during these conditions. Instead of biking in the heat, try to find a shady or shaded part of the trail. If you can’t find a shaded part, try to position yourself so that the sun isn’t directly overhead.

If you absolutely have to ride in the extreme heat, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, wear a hydration belt, and bring along a bike that’s equipped with a hydration system. Also, try to cycle at a slower pace, and don’t forget to exhale as you’re slowing down to avoid pushing extra air into your lungs.

4. Find the coolest spots to ride

One of the best ways to stay cool on your bike during the summer is by finding the coolest spots to ride. The higher the altitude, the cooler the air. So, if you’re lucky enough to live near a mountain range, make a point to climb as high as you can. If you don’t have access to a park near you, try to find a shady spot to ride.

A shady spot is usually cooler and also has shaded parking. You also have a better chance of staying hydrated and comfortable if you’re hydrated before you get on your bike.

Also, find creative ways to stay cool while you’re riding. For example, try to find ways to circulate your body on your bike, even if it means standing up for a few seconds.

5. Plan ahead and take advantage of cooler weather

One of the best things you can do to make your summer ride more sustainable and enjoyable is to plan ahead and take advantage of cooler weather. If you know that the temperature is going to be in the high 80s and/or 100s, make a point to schedule your ride for after 10 am.

This will allow you to ride in cooler temperatures and avoid the worst of the afternoon sun. If you can’t adjust your schedule, try to bike in the mornings or evenings when it’s cooler and you won’t have to compete with the heat of the day.

Also, make sure to drink lots of water during the day and try to cycle at a slower pace so that you’re able to drink and rest more frequently.

6. Protect your investment

One of the biggest mistakes people make during the summer is riding with loose clothing or a bike that’s not properly equipped for the heat. The conditions can cause a significant amount of damage to your bike if you’re not careful.

Make sure to use a bicycle air pump that’s designed for heat, and don’t forget to increase the pressure when you’re pumping up your tires. Also, make sure to keep your bike in a shady area when you’re not riding so that it doesn’t overheat.

7. Bring plenty of sunscreens and a towel

One of the most important things you can do to stay safe and healthy while riding your mountain bike during the summer months is to bring plenty of sunscreens and a towel.

The sun can be extremely damaging to your skin and eyes, so it’s important to protect them. Not only can UV rays damage your skin, but they can also damage your bike as well. Make sure to apply sunscreen generously to your bike and any other parts of your body that are exposed, such as your hands and face.

Road Cycling

Road cycling is one of the most popular summer sports. It’s also one of the most dangerous sports to do during the summer because it involves more exertion and more traffic. To avoid becoming overheated, try to cycle during cooler parts of the day and avoid cycling during the hottest part of the day.

Also, make sure to wear a helmet that’s designed to protect your head from the sun, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water during the day and cycle at a slower pace.

Off-Road Cycling

Off-Road Cycling refers to mountain biking that takes place on unpaved trails, while dirt biking takes place on paved roads. Like road cycling, these are popular summer sports that are dangerous because they involve more exertion and more traffic.

To avoid becoming overheated, try to cycle during cooler parts of the day and avoid cycling during the hottest part of the day. Also, make sure to wear a helmet that’s designed to protect your head from the sun, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water during the day and cycle at a slower pace.

Gravel Biking

Gravel biking is a popular off-road cycling discipline in which bikers travel on unpaved roads and trails that are composed of loose dirt. The main difference between gravel biking and off-road biking is the type of terrain you’re traveling on.

Gravel bikes travel on unpaved roads and in unpaved areas, while off-road bikes travel on dirt tracks, dirt paths, sand dunes, and other unpaved surfaces.

Gravel biking is one of the most sustainable forms of off-road cycling because it doesn’t require any expensive equipment. You can even ride a road bike or hybrid bike on gravel if you don’t have a dedicated off-road bike.

Mountain biking in the heat
Mountain biking in the heat

Benefits of Riding in The Summer

1. Offers a perfect time to enhance riding technique rather than speed

One of the biggest differences between riding your mountain bike in the summer and riding it in the winter is that you have less snow and significantly more traffic to deal with. While having to navigate cars and cyclists at slow speeds in the winter can be frustrating, it’s very useful in helping you focus on your technique.

In the summer, there are only a few cyclists on the road, and if you want to focus on technique, you’ll find it much harder than if you were riding in the winter. Summertime is a great time to try something new on your bike. If you’re feeling adventurous, try switching up your tire and rim width to see how it affects your handling.

Or, try a new bike fit to see if you can get a better ride out of your bike. If you’re looking to take your skills to the next level, try working on your bike handling skills by riding at lower speeds in a straight line and working on your cornering.

2. Riding in the sun enhances conditioning and endurance

One way to stay fit during the summer is to ditch your gloves and wear a hat. The sun’s rays are much stronger and more intense during the summer months, so wearing a hat and staying in the shade (or under a tree) will help you stay cooler while also keeping you in shape.

When you’re ready to start upping the intensity, try sprinting up hills and shortening your rests. This will increase your cardiovascular fitness and give you a more intense workout without making you feel too tired.

3. Less Mud that hinders perfect riding experiences

One of the biggest surprises, when you bike in the summer, is how much less mud there is. While this is a good thing for your tires, it can also present a major challenge for your bike. Interwoven with all of the bike paths, creeks, and trails are mud puddles, potholes, curbs, and cracks you need to navigate around.

To make sure your bike is safe and ready to roll, follow these steps:

– Make sure all parts of your bike are dry and clean. Interfering parts could be causing you to crash.

– Inspect your bike for loose parts or missing bolts.

– Make sure all bolts are tightened to the recommended specifications.

– Inspect the tires for cracks, cupping, or cuts and make sure they’re inflated to the recommended specifications.

4. Longer days offer more riding time

The summer months are typically longer than the winter months, so you have more daylight to get outside and explore your local trails. Many cyclists find that exploring your local trails on your bike is one of the best ways to explore new areas and get out of the city.

If you’re looking to get out of the city and explore more natural areas, consider renting a canoe or kayak. Being on the water can offer a new perspective on your surroundings, and it’s a great way to spend longer periods of time exploring new areas without the burden of spending hours getting to your destination.

5. The beer after tastes better in the sun!

If you love drinking craft beer but can’t stomach the taste after swallowing a mountain bike chew, you might want to consider pouring yourself a refreshing beverage while you’re out riding. You can keep your bike nice and clean while you enjoy your beer in the sunshine.

Another great benefit of riding in the sun is keeping your bike clean. With less mud on the ground and less dirt and dust in the air, riding in the summer is much easier on your bike.

How hot is too hot to mountain bike?

This is another question that comes up during the summer months when it’s too hot to bike. The best way to figure out if you’re too hot is to put your bike goggles on and see how they feel. If you feel uncomfortable, you’re probably too hot. There are a few ways to combat feeling too hot while riding: – Drink more water. – Wear sunscreen and a hat. – Limit your rides to around 30 minutes.

Is 90 degrees too hot for biking?

Like we mentioned at the top of the article, there are a few ways to tell if you’re too hot while riding. One easy way to tell if you’re too hot is to put your bike goggles on and see how they feel. If they’re uncomfortable, you’re probably too hot. There are a few ways to combat feeling too hot while riding:

– Drink more water.

– Wear sunscreen and a hat.

– Limit your rides to around 30 minutes.

How can I ride my mountain bike more efficiently?

One of the biggest differences between biking in the summer and biking in the winter is that in the summer, drivers are much more likely to pass you. This can be great for your fitness, but it can also be a huge burden on your bike.

How can I keep my bike cool?

A big difference between riding in the summer and riding in the winter is your bike’s coolness. During the summer months, your bike is more likely to heat up because it’s getting more direct sunlight than it is in the winter. To keep your bike from getting too hot, follow these steps:

– Make sure your bike is in shape for riding outside. This includes checking tire pressure, making sure all parts are dry and clean, inspecting your bike, making sure all bolts are tightened, making sure your tires are inflated to recommended specifications, etc.

– Make sure your bike is equipped with reflectors and lights. You can also check out our article on how to make your bike more visible while riding at night.

What is good biking weather?

If you’ve ever ridden a bicycle, you know that it’s a pretty simple machine. It doesn’t care what the temperature is or what the weather is like outside, it just needs a flat tire. Unfortunately, when it’s too hot or too cold outside, your bike (and you) can get a lot of negative feedback. Keeping these tips in mind, you can ride your bike and not have to worry about the conditions.

You can stay hydrated and focused on technique, you can pick up your bike and take it for maintenance, and you can ride in the rain or the cold. Summer can be a challenging time to ride your bike, but with a few tips and tricks, you can tackle the heat with ease.

How do I stop my bike from overheating?

You can’t always prevent your bike from overheating, but there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of this occurring. First, make sure your bike fits you properly. If you’re riding an oversized bike, you’re more likely to overheat because there isn’t enough airflow to keep you cool. If possible, make sure your bike has a larger diameter seatpost so you can get lower on the saddle and stretch more when you pedal. You can also choose a smaller-diameter seatpost to keep you a bit higher off the saddle.

How cold is too cold for cycling?

Cold temperatures are hard on the body, but they aren’t harmful. The human body is most efficient at holding heat at around 40 degrees Fahrenheit. After that, you start to lose heat at a faster rate. If you’re too cold, you could shiver and make your muscles work harder to stay warm. This also makes your sweat glands less effective, so you could become dehydrated. You should also wear appropriate clothing for your climate. In winter, wear layers that can be removed if you begin to feel cold. In summer, wear light clothing that allows you to regulate your temperature more easily.

Why do you feel hot when you ride your bike?

Some of the heat your body produces when you ride your bike can get trapped in your helmet or handlebar grips. This can make you feel hot while you’re cycling. You can avoid this by using water bottles, which are usually allowed on bike trails, or by removing the gear from your bike when you aren’t riding.

Why are my thighs overheating?

You can’t always prevent your thighs from being hot while you’re cycling, but there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of this occurring. Always wear a bike-specific cycling shorts and a bike-specific cycling singlet rather than a t-shirt while cycling. If you’re wearing a tank top or bra, remove it before you ride. You can also try doing more extended periods of high-intensity riding.

Five Tips for Mountain Biking in Hot Weather

Does body temperature rise after cycling?

Biking does involve some cardiovascular exercise, but it’s not the same as running or doing other sports that require you to sprint or exert yourself intensely for a prolonged period of time. Cycling also doesn’t require the same level of concentration and focus, so your heart rate won’t be as elevated and your blood pressure won’t be as high as it would if you ran. That said, cycling does result in slightly elevated body temperature. This can be a good thing because it signals your body to be more efficient at holding the heat it produces.

Why are my legs hot after cycling?

You can’t always prevent your legs from getting hot while you’re cycling, but there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of this occurring. If your handlebar or seat post heats up while you’re riding, take it off. You can also try doing more extended periods of high-intensity riding.

Is it safe to cycle in hot weather?

Generally speaking, it’s safe for cyclists to ride in hot weather. The main concern is that cyclists don’t drink enough fluids. Even though you’re sweating, you can still become dehydrated if you don’t replace the fluids you lose while riding. If you bike in hot weather and begin to feel too hot or thirsty, take a break, drink some water, and then try again once you’re again feeling comfortable.

How do I keep my bike seat cool in the summer?

To keep your bike seat cool in the summer, always make sure your bike is clean. You should also make sure your bike is well maintained. Cleaning your bike regularly helps your bike maintain its condition and prevents dirt and debris from collecting on the bike seat.

Make sure your bike seat is also well ventilated. If possible, get a bike seat with a built-in cooling system. This will help you keep your bike seat cool during the summer.

Can I ride my bike in 30-degree weather?

Yes, it’s safe to ride your mountain bike in 30-degree weather. Keep in mind, though, that you’ll want to make sure your bike is properly maintained and properly fitted to you.

If it’s not, it might be too big for you. Also keep in mind that in extremely cold weather, you may want to wear multiple layers of clothing and gloves so that you can regulate your temperature more easily.

Is 50 too cold for biking?

Most cyclists will tell you that you can ride your bike in any weather as long as you’re wearing appropriate clothing and keeping hydrated, but here’s the bottom line: biking is supposed to be fun. If it’s not fun for you, then it’s not worth doing. If you find that it’s too cold for you to enjoy cycling, bike riding isn’t for you, so don’t force yourself to do it when it’s not comfortable.

If it’s too cold for you, adjust your riding style to make it easier on yourself. For example, you could try riding your bike slower, using an electric bike, or riding in the middle of the road rather than on the side.

Why do my thighs feel tight after cycling?

There are a few different ways you can combat the issue of legs feeling tight after cycling. The first thing you can do is stretch after you’re done riding. The second thing you can do is make sure you’re moving your legs often. Walking and running don’t require you to use your legs, but they are still beneficial because they help keep them from becoming stiff.

Does cycling make you break into a sweat?

If you’re feeling sweaty after cycling, it may be because your bike isn’t properly maintained or it’s not the right size for you. For example, if your bike is too big for you, you’re going to feel like you’re riding a horse when you sit on it.

Conversely, if your bike is too small for you, you’re going to feel like you’re riding a canoe when you stand on it. You can combat this by purchasing a bike that is properly maintained and properly fitted to you. You can also regulate your ride pace to help you feel less sweaty.

Is cycling expensive?

Cycling is a great way to get exercise and stay healthy without breaking the bank. Most cities offer bike-share programs, which allow you to borrow a bicycle for a small fee each day. When you factor in gas costs, maintenance, and repair, cycling is relatively inexpensive. You can also shop for affordable cycling gear online.

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How to Mountain Bike Downhill

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